Micro Matt

Micro thoughts and mini posts.

I hold an intense hate for advertising in my bones — those loud, boisterous, self-important commercial messages plastered on every surface and glowing screen. They stalk me around town and on my pocket-ma-tron, asking for a dollar in exchange for some piece of crap I never wanted. Buy now, subscribe, get 10% off — if the marketers had their way, they'd abolish all independent thought among the masses they're shouting to.

It is probably the over-promises advertising makes that leads me to despise it. If there was less of it, I might like it more. If it was more humble, I might make friends with it. If it brought me value instead of coercing me to click, buy, subscribe, I might do just that.

I clicked one ad recently, and didn't regret it. It was on social media, among an effluent of bad ads. It was for a new album from Fleet Foxes. I had “liked” their page, and so I was getting this sponsored post. I left to buy the album.

This is the only kind of ad I ever want to see in my life. (The last ad I clicked was the same.)

What if we had “ads” in the non-commercial social media space, like the fediverse? Except it wouldn't be a “sponsored” post, but an “important” post. Maybe you could pin a single “important” post to your profile / blog / whatever. Then in your feed, you would see one of these “important” posts, only from people you follow, at regular intervals as you scroll — say, every 10 or 20 posts on a microblogging platform like Mastodon; maybe every 5 posts on your long-form / RSS feed reader.

They would be detached from the chronological timeline; you would only see each post once. Companies could pin a post they want to promote, and individuals could make sure followers see that insightful thing they said. It introduces an algorithm to the chronological feed, but one you can still reason about and understand. It's still non-commercial by nature. It doesn't infringe on your privacy. Would be pretty neat to see.

Thoughts? Discuss...

One nice thing about having multiple blogs on Write.as is that I can start writing a post for this microblog, and if it turns into something more that I want to share on my main blog, I can just switch the blog it's going to publish to. No need to switch websites or log in somewhere else. This happened with my last post, Social Suburbia, over the weekend.

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Thinking this morning about how I could expand the text-pic project to generate meta images for any WriteFreely blog, so sharing the blog to social media wouldn't include the standard WriteFreely / Write.as logo anymore.

I'm thinking it'd include the blog title, description, and maybe instance name. We'd generate and cache this image whenever a collection (blog) is created or updated. In WriteFreely, it'd also update when the instance name changes.

Thoughts? Discuss...

When we launched Write.as Pro, we didn't have a “free trial” option. The assumption was that enough of the platform was free that users could get a pretty good idea of whether or not the purchase would be worth it. Then last January, we added the option for a free 2-week trial. Here's a few things learned from it:

One of my major concerns was that people would use the free trial to spam Read Write.as, which is kept spam-free largely because of the requirement to pay something. Luckily, only about 2 or 3 spammers actually did this in the past year. Their presence was obvious, and we quickly revoked their publishing access once we saw them.

A free trial made many conversations much easier. If someone was curious about a Pro feature, instead of explaining it all, we could just give the overview and say, “go try it for free.” Great timesaver. Also:

  • People still go straight to purchasing Pro, without the trial
  • Very few (if any) requests to extend the trial period
  • No credit card required for the trial, and of course no complaints about that

Stats for just over a year of free trials:

  • Roughly 3,400 trials started (~4% of new user registrations)
  • Around 230 converted to paid (7%)
  • Of those that converted, 10% bought our 5-year plan

Thoughts? Discuss...

I've been putting most of our Write.as tutorials and other videos on our PeerTube instance. But today I added some missing ones to our YouTube channel, too. I'm spending a bit more time on marketing and other helpful materials as a few long-running projects for the team start to wind down. So I'm aiming to start sharing that more.

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Made more progress on my weekend project, a tool for generating images like this for social media:

Right now, it's an open source command-line tool written in Go, with a few configurable options. You can find the AGPL-licensed code on GitHub and start using it now!

Next, I hope to add a web-based option for generating images. That'll probably involve some basic server configuration (e.g. only generate graphics with a certain WriteFreely instance name), some image caching to save resources, then a simple API and a plain HTML page that hooks up to it.

I'll first build this for our use case, which is showcasing photos to share on social media pages like Instagram. For that, I need to generate images on mobile and be able to quickly copy over caption text. Then, we'll make it more widely useful to help people spread their writing.

For now, my real day has started, and I'm back to work on features and fixes for Write.as.

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Playing around with a tool for generating nice-looking images from text this morning. Started off using an HTML5 Canvas, and quickly hit resistance. Got a complete Go-based prototype working in about 2.5 hours, thanks to this tutorial.

This would replace my Bash / ImageMagick-based script I previously used to generate images like those on our Instagram page. I'd like to convert this into a web-based tool and make it available for anyone to create this kind of content — perhaps even automatically from a Write.as / #WriteFreely post.

For now, I'm off to the woods to go camping. Will get back to work tomorrow afternoon.

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Excited today, as my new computer arrives.

I haven't bought a brand new machine in 8 years. Today I work on two devices, a System76 laptop from 2012 (bought new at the time) and a circa-2010 ThinkPad X201 (bought used; this is my second one). The ThinkPad is my portable device. It gets the job done, despite its age and small size. The System76 machine stays on my desk at home, basically as a desktop computer. But it's started to show its age, and I'm consistently hitting the limits of its 8GB of memory. I figured it was time to get something more modern for whenever I'm working in my home office.

I'll be keeping the ThinkPad for working away from my desk. But I'm replacing my “desktop” machine with a System76 Thelio, with 64GB of memory, many TB of storage, and new everything else. I haven't had a desktop computer since I was probably 16 years old. Now I'm looking forward to creating a nice, permanent setup that helps me get more work done.

Thoughts? Discuss...

Always amazed at how much difference a good night of sleep makes. Literally feels like gaining new powers when I wake up rested. Yesterday was that rested day for me; today, not so much.

Much of that was staying up late last night to handle a backlog of issues and correspondence. This was an exception to my normal days — I've mostly kept to 8 hour work days for the last several months. But sometimes working into the night helps me focus and just get the work done, instead of vacillating on it all.

Today: more marketing work, customer support, and work on rich media embeds with Embedly.

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Thinking about how easy it was to set up this new blog on Write.as:

Can't overstate how nice it is to have a tool that can bring something to life on the web so quickly.

In less than 30 minutes I have a microblog on a custom domain, with SSL, personalized theme, and a few posts already published, thanks to @writeas__

- @ilikebeans

...and mostly, that's because I know the platform so well. I know the sharp edges and ideal paths to take to do what I need to (even those that are painful to work around).

Besides fixing the things that need fixing, obviating the need for learning new tricks, I would love to build a dedicated place to learn how to use the platform from the people who know it best; not just “user guides” but a small “school” for learning how to best use Write.as, Snap.as, and Submit.as.

Thoughts? Discuss...

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